“Disarm” er pianisten og komponisten Roberta Di Marios nyeste album, utgitt på Warner Music Italy. Pianoprosjektet henspelier til nedrustning, «disarm», som er i ferd med å forvitre. Vi lever i en kompleks og farlig tid der vi bygger murer og både den fysiske og emosjonelle avsperringen fortsetter istedenfor at vi åpner opp mot dialog og inkludering. Istedenfor at vi legger ned våpnene, slutter å forsvare oss, istendenfor at vi gir oss hen, lar murene falle, går sammen med den andre, slutter oss til den andre, både sjelelig og fysisk. Å ruste ned er en ikke-handling. Gi seg hen, gi seg til den andre, uten forbehold. Slik kunsten må gjøre for å åpne seg mot lyset, mot skjønnheten. Slik musikken må gjøre. Dette er baktanken med «Disarm».
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ROBERTA DI MARIO, Composer/Pianist
Roberta has graduated with the highest honours and honourable mention from the Parma Conservatory: today she is known as a post-classical musician. She is a composer in a world of composers and leaves nothing outside of her creative world: theatre, musicals, jazz, pop, ambient, and soundtracks create her unique and special style.
She made her debut in 2011, with her first album “Tra il tempo e la distanza” (Alfa Music), followed by “Lo stato delle Cose” (Irma Records) with the collaboration of producer Pietro Cantarelli: a double project that includes the two artistic souls into different CDs: songs and A walk on the piano side.
In the same year, she composed Hands, a soundtrack for the docufilm Living the world of Botero, played at the international Exhibition of Botero in Italy and Japan and opened the Indian Art Exhibition at the Venice Biennale with India the revealed mysteries.
In December 2016, she was involved in a series of concerts in New York City hosted by the Italian Consulate for the event Meet the new Italian Music Artist in NY.
In 2017, she released Illegacy, her latest unpublished album released by Warner Music Italia: ten tracks that describe her story but, above all, her listening and way of perceiving music in all its different ways.
In April 2018 she wrote “Valzer in A minor” soundtrack for the Radici cultural operation. A multimedia platform born from the idea of the journalist and writer Cristina Giudici, who wants to deal with the powerful the immigration’s theme without prejudice, with courage and truth. Last December the newspaper Repubblica.it published a preview of the video produced for this piece that anticipates the release of the new album entitled “Disarm”, always by Warner Music label, scheduled for spring 19.
Among her recent and future engagements: her participation at Piano City Milan as official pianist for Radio Monte Carlo, Piano Solo concerts in Bologna, Taormina, Arezzo, Milano, Düsseldorf and Pantelleria, guest at Il Tempo delle donne, an important festival at the Milan Triennale, the Steinway Piano Festival in Cremona and at Piano City Palermo.
Roberta Di Mario is a Steinway artist.