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Praksisplass og stipender

Praksisplass ved Instituttet

Som alle De italienske kulturinstituttene rundt om i verden, mottar også vi i Oslo kun praktikanter som deltar i et tremåneders program basert på en avtale mellom Det italienske utenriks- og bistandsdepartementet, Det italienske utdanningsdepartementet (MIUR) og Fondazione CRUI – The Conference of Italian University Rectors. Instituttet har ikke anledning til å tilby praksispalss til andre utenom dette programmet. For å delta i programmet, lyser Fondazione CRUI ut tremåneders-plassene i samråd med de italienske universitetene på deres hjemmeside: (


Det italienske utenriks- og bistandsdepartementet tilbyr hvert år stipender til utenlandske universitetsstudenter som ønsker å gå på italienske universiteter, og mange italienske universiteter tilbyr stipender til sine studenter, både utenlandske og italienske.

Se mer informasjon her:

Stipender for italienske studenter

Stipender for utenlandske studenter og for italienske studenter som er innskrevet ved utenlandske universiteter



Grant for study and research for the year 2023:

Opportunities for Italian and foreign researchers, teachers, experts, personalities and cultural operators
The Ministry for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation supports and encourages study and research activities carried out by Italian and foreign researchers, teachers, experts, personalities and cultural operators in Italy and abroad.
The main aim of the grant is to encourage the development of strategic partnerships, cultural and scientific projects between foreign and Italian institutions in the medium and long term.

Who is it for?
The following can apply for a grant:
Foreign researchers, professors, experts, personalities and cultural operators invited to spend a period of stay at Italian universities or cultural institutions for study or research. The grant is paid as a lump sum and covers up to 8 days of activity in Italy (for a maximum amount of 906 euros).

Italian researchers, teachers, experts, personalities and cultural operators invited to spend a period of stay at foreign universities or cultural institutions for study or research. The grant is paid exclusively for partial coverage (to the extent of 80%) of travel expenses.

How to ask for the grant:
Candidates can apply for the grant, drawn up according to the below form and complete with the required documentation, by writing to the Italian Cultural Institute in Oslo.
The Italian Institute and the Directorate General for Public and Cultural Diplomacy (DGDP) of the Italian Ministry for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation agree to grant on the following criteria:
• Resume of the applicant;
• Medium and long-term impact of the mobility in terms of development of cultural or scientific projects and partnerships between Italian and foreign institutions;
• Prestige of the cultural institutions involved;
• Principle of equal rotation among the beneficiaries;
• Compliance of the activities with the geographical and thematic priorities identified by the Directorate General for Public and Cultural Diplomacy;
• Cultural cooperation program in force between Italy and the country involved.

Information and deadlines:
Please find the grant application forms here below. It contains also more information. Activities are due to end no later than 14 November 2023. Furthermore, candidates have to send the documentation to the competent offices by the same deadline.
For further information, it is recommended to contact the Italian Cultural Institute or, in the absence of this, the Italian diplomatic Mission, competent for the Country.
The payment of the grant will take place after completion of the mobility upon delivery of the necessary documentation.
Italian beneficiaries will receive the amount of the grant directly from the DGDP while foreign beneficiaries will receive the contribution through the Italian diplomatic Mission.

Søknad sendes til Instituttet til innen 14. november 2023.

Søknadsskjema (med informasjon) for italienske søkere 

Søknadsskjema (med informasjon) for utenlandske søkere